The History of Electricity

Topics on this page:

This site archives the life of James F Metcalf, a key player that helped form the induction heating industry.

This is the cut-throat story of the world's businesses developing modern metallurgy, from lodestone's humble beginnings to the latest space-age materials.

The work on chapters 4 and 5 on electricity are possibly the most accurate and complete history that has been recorded. All in all, the pages are a very good history for the last century. It is very good for superalloys and jet-engine history.

James Farol Metcalf, 77, of Weaverville, NC, died Monday, April 27, 2009.


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Website Sorted By Location

000-Introduction.htm Jim Metcalf Introduction to Memoir
001-Photos.htm Jim Metcalf List of Photos
003-TableofContents.htm Jim Metcalf List of Links
421-Pelton.html Jim Metcalf Metcalf buys the control division of the Pelton Water Wheel Company
430-SovietHistory.html Jim Metcalf Early Soviet Union History
431-WoodingFired.html Jim Metcalf Rowan's account of firing Consarc President
432-Vera.html Jim Metcalf Vera
433-Designers.html Jim Metcalf Russian Designers
203-Renaissance.htm Jim Metcalf 1500 - 1700 From the Renaissance to the battery
004-Battery.htm Jim Metcalf 1745 - 1862 Battery discoveries, Volta, Tesla
340-Page1838.htm Dr. Charles Page 1839 Dr. Charles Page's apparatus
005-Electricity.htm Jim Metcalf 1855 - 1920 Continuing history including motors and generators
350-Rowland1868.htm Jim Metcalf 1868 Rowland motor patent 1868
341-HelmhotzononFaraday.htm Hermann von Helmholtz 1881-04-05 The Faraday Lecture, London
353-Rowland.htm Henry Rowland 1892-09-16 Rowland reviews the bids for Niagara Falls power station
006-Progress.htm Jim Metcalf 1900 - 1931 The father of induction melting and heating, Edwin Finch Norhtrup
360-Northrup.htm EF Northrup 1910 Father of induction heating, Edwin Finch Northrup
374-HistoryAjax.html Jim Metcalf 1912 - 1953 History of Ajax Magnethermic
434b-Amtorg.html Jim Metcalf 1913 - 1928 Soviet Amtorg Trading Corp
419a-Houghton.html Jim Metcalf 1914 - 1960 George Houghton, Aerojet Inspector gives Metcalf Rocket history
362-RussianTreaty.htm Jim Metcalf 1918-03-03 The Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
370-Trotsky.html Trotsky 1926-03-25 Problems of Russia's Policy With Respect to China and Japan
363-Charlie.htm Jim Metcalf 1929 Charlie Metcalf was charged with kidnapping
371-MyYouth.html Jim Metcalf 1930 - 1954 Jim's early life as a hillbilly
351-TeslaCoil.htm Nikola Tesla 1931 Tesla claims radio invention
007-EarlyYears.htm Jim Metcalf 1932 - 1953 Early Years until 1954
380b-Beryllium.html EF Northrup 1937 Beryllium in space travel
383a-NukeEngine.html Jim Metcalf 1946 - 1961 Nuclear Engine
375-Hunterdon.html Jim Metcalf 1950 The most important event for Inductotherm
008-EarlyWork.html Jim Metcalf 1950 - 1960 Early work to Salesman
380c-Fright.html Jim Metcalf 1951 Fright Flight
380-Allvac.html Jim Metcalf 1953 - 1963 James D. Nisbet, Allvac
389b-GM.html Jim Metcalf 1955 Metcalf at General Motors Research from April 1955 to Oct 1955
389a-GE.html Jim Metcalf 1955 - 1956 Metcalf pouring superalloy at GE from Oct 1955 to June 1956
434f-Chrome.html Jim Metcalf 1955 - 1958 Role of chromium in vacuum melters
382-Polaris.html Jim Metcalf 1955 - 1961 Polaris Missile
413-Polaris.html Jim Metcalf 1955 - 1961 Development of Polaris missle
410-Aerojet.html Jim Metcalf 1955 - 1973 NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) and all I know about carbon
389c-Waimet.html Jim Metcalf 1956 - 1957 Metcalf at Waimet (later Howmet) from June 1956 to July 1957
389-Cannon.html Jim Metcalf 1957 Cannon Muskegon Corporation
440-Raufer.html Jim Metcalf 1957 - 1987 Long lasting friendship with a Catholic friend
384-Crucible.html Jim Metcalf 1957-02-04 Molten metal eats through and explodes
392-AjaxNASA.html Jim Metcalf 1959 - 1964 Project to test NASA hot hydrogen engine
381-Jessie.html Jim Metcalf 1959 - 1993 Jess Cartlidge
383-Nuke.html Jim Metcalf 1960 Nuclear Airplane
411-ControlRod.html Jim Metcalf 1960 NERVA Engine Control Rods
412-Nuke.html Jim Metcalf 1960 same as 383-Nuke.html
415-AjaxNASA.html Jim Metcalf 1960 ca Ajax NASA
418-PinkPussycat.html Jim Metcalf 1960 ca California strip club is home of war protest song
419-CarbonArt.html Jim Metcalf 1960 ca Production of carbon fabrics and threads made from rayon
009-Salesman.html Jim Metcalf 1961 - 1966 Salesman to entrepreneur
419b-Fostoria.html Jim Metcalf 1963 Rayon to carbon to graphite
446-Hoover.html Jim Metcalf 1963 Hoover-Ugine Company
394-SpecialMetals2.html Jim Metcalf 1966 Special Metals Number 9
010-Cragmet.html Jim Metcalf 1966 - 1968 Vacuum furnaces
402-Charger.html Jim Metcalf 1967 Device to load materials into a furnace for melting
400-Agreement.html Jim Metcalf 1967-06-14 Metcalf joins Inductotherm group
011-MarsRocket.html Jim Metcalf 1968 Henry Rowan, Mars Rocket
012-Cheston.html Jim Metcalf 1971 - 1972 Cheston, Cragmet, IRS
434-Kama.html Jim Metcalf 1971 - 1978 Kama Purchasing Commission, Ukraine
013-SovietUnion.html Jim Metcalf 1972 Visit Russia, Meet Vera
447-Nixon.html Jim Metcalf 1972 - 1976
442-ASEA.html Jim Metcalf 1973 ASEA wins contract for isopress
014-Watergate.html Jim Metcalf 1973 - 1975 Around the world, Meet the president
445-Cannons.html Jim Metcalf 1974 Induction heating to re-refile tank cannon
015-Kramatorsk.html Jim Metcalf 1975 Kramatorsk
016-Consarc.html Jim Metcalf 1975 Consarc
461-Mortimer.html Jim Metcalf 1976 John Mortimer in Rancocas
460-LetterHank.html Jim Metcalf 1978-05-10 Letter to Henry Rowan at Inductotherm
017-ConsarcUK.html Jim Metcalf 1979 - 1982 Consarc UK
018-CarbonContract.html Jim Metcalf 1982 - 1983 Carbon contract
105-Communications.htm Jim Metcalf 1982-05-10 New business in the Soviet Union
480-ConsarcBoard3Feb83.html Jim Metcalf 1983-02-03 Consarc Board of Directors Meeting
107-ConsarcBoard8Feb83.htm Jim Metcalf 1983-02-08 Consarc Board of Directors Meeting
106-ConsarcBoard15Apr83.htm Jim Metcalf 1983-04-15 Consarc Board of Directors Meeting
481-ConsarcBoard15Apr83.html Jim Metcalf 1983-04-15 Consarc Board of Directors Meeting
019-Russians-in-Scotland.html Jim Metcalf 1984 Russians in Scotland
020-EmbargoisComing.html Jim Metcalf 1984 - 1985 The Embargo is Coming
490-NewsReports.html Steve Twomey 1984-05-13 Philadelphia Inquirer: Inside Moves
501-Amendment.html Jim Metcalf 1984-12-20 Amendment #5
516-BritishPress1985.html Jim Metcalf 1985 British Telegraph 1985
520-LetterRowan1985.html Jim Metcalf 1985 Letter to Hank Rowan
023-AfterBEPA.html Jim Metcalf 1985 - 1987 After BEPA
021-EmbargoAftermath.html Jim Metcalf 1985-01 Embargo and Aftermath
526-RowanWrote.html Jim Metcalf 1985-02 Rowan wrote in his book
510-EmbargoRegulations.html Jim Metcalf 1985-02-08 Embargo Regulations
511-Seizure.html Jim Metcalf 1985-02-13 Seizure of Goods
512-DTI-15Feb85.html Jim Metcalf 1985-02-15 Minutes of Dept of Trade, London
513-ECGD-8Mar85.html Jim Metcalf 1985-03-08 Minutes of ECGD Meeting
514-RowanInterview.html Jim Metcalf 1985-03-25 Rowan Interview
515-Bombshell.html Jim Metcalf 1985-03-30 Bombshell looks like dud
022-BEPA.html Jim Metcalf 1985-07 BEPA
530-Tax.html Jim Metcalf 1985-08-19 Rule #1 British Tax for Expatriates
521-ConsarcBoard20Aug85.html Jim Metcalf 1985-08-20 Consarc Board Meeting
522-DTI-6Sep85.html Jim Metcalf 1985-09-06 Minutes of DTI Meeting, London
523-Stansted.html Jim Metcalf 1985-09-20 Stansted Fluid Power
525-RowanStops.html Jim Metcalf 1985-10-04 Rowan Halts Work
524-DTI-3Oct85.html Jim Metcalf 1985-10-30 Minutes of DTI Meeting, 3 Oct 85
531-DickLetter.html Jim Metcalf 1985-10-30 Memo to Tom Dick, Vacutherm
532-Korea.html Jim Metcalf 1985-12-07 Superalloy Furnace, Korea
533-FarEast.html Jim Metcalf 1987-05 Far East
502-RussianContract.html Jim Metcalf 1987-11 Newsday, late 1987
542-Newsday.html Jim Metcalf 1987-11-08 Newsday 1987
543-Aftermath.html Jim Metcalf 1987-11-09 A follow-up story in Newsday
544-Time.html Jim Metcalf 1987-11-23 Time International on Consarc
111-ABC.htm Peter Jennings 1987-12-09 ABC television report on Metcalf
102-Blame.htm Knut Royce 1987-12-10 Blame
108-LocalNewspaper.htm Tim Kelly 1987-12-11 Consarc Officials Deny Wrongdoing in Sales to Soviets
547-BurlingtonTimes.html Jim Metcalf 1987-12-11 Local news coverage in Consarc's home town
100-AppealFMI.htm Jim Metcalf 1988 Fiber Materials Appeal
024-Press.html Jim Metcalf 1988 - 1989 Story of Knut Royce and resulting arms limitation news coverage and corrections
548-MysteryMan.html Jim Metcalf 1988-01-06 Local news coverage of the Russian contract
549-ManyLetters.html Jim Metcalf 1988-05-10 Exchanges with Rowan about misunderstanding
380b-BurnedBridges.html Jim Metcalf 1988-05-11 Rowan-Metcalf Memos
025-Deported.html Jim Metcalf 1988-08-05 Britain attempts to deport Metcalfs
551-NewsdayDeported.html Jim Metcalf 1988-08-06 Newsday prints Metcalf is deported
552-LetterRowan.html Jim Metcalf 1988-08-30 Letter from Rowan about deportation
555-Commerce25Jan89.html Jim Metcalf 1989-01-25 Exchange of letters with US Department of Commerce
556-HomeOffice5Mar89.html Jim Metcalf 1989-03-05 Information about Vera's visa after Metcalf was deported
567-Rowan26Jun89.html Jim Metcalf 1989-06-26 Letter to Rowan about IMM
568-IMM.html Jim Metcalf 1989-06-28 Letter to IHI Master Metals
569-Letter-to-Roberts.html Jim Metcalf 1989-07-11 Letter to Roberts (Consarc President) about IMM
026-Boston.html Jim Metcalf 1990 Jim Metcalf moves to Boston
569a-Guardian.html Jim Metcalf 1990-01-01 Fight with British Press
571-Arrowood.html Jim Metcalf 1990-01-15 Metcalf purchases home on Arrowood Road
572-VeraLetter.html Jim Metcalf 1990-03-06 Vera's letter to Allcarb
572a-NC.html Jim Metcalf 1990-05-15 Letter to Allcarb about office in Moscow
574-Telex.html Jim Metcalf 1990-09-08 Telex to Allcarb
027-StartingOver.html Jim Metcalf 1991 Starting over in 1991
575-Rowan11Mar92.html Jim Metcalf 1992-03-11 Exchange of letters with Rowan about IMM
110-NotesfromRowan.htm Henry Rowan 1996-04-15 Memos from Henry Rowan to Metcalf
405-Fleet.html Jim Metcalf 2000 Inductotherm private airport
112-Gemzar.htm Jim Metcalf 2000-01 When surgery is not an option
113-Talcumpowder.htm Jim Metcalf 2000-01 Lung tumor growth stunted by talcum powder
002-CancerDetails.htm Jim Metcalf 2004 - 2008 Cancer details for James Metcalf
103a-Cancer.htm Jim Metcalf 2005-04-06 Cancer
103b-CNN.htm Jim Metcalf 2005-04-06 ABC anchor Peter Jennings announces lung cancer
114-Tarceva.htm Jim Metcalf 2009-01 Alternative to standard chemotherapy
index.html 2025-02-10 Directory listing for ~microns
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202-DarkAges.htm Jim Metcalf 378 - 1492 Dark Ages to Columbus
201-Beginning.htm Jim Metcalf 384 BC - 313 AD In the Beginning to Christmas
361-Wilderness-Road.htm Jim Metcalf ? Metcalf's father's poem, and Metcalf genealogy
380d-CarbonCloth.html Jim Metcalf ? Black art of carbon production
389d-CarbonCloth.html Jim Metcalf ? Black art of carbon production
434d-DeathBeam.htm Jim Metcalf ? Tesla about his death beam. A folly.
448-Inspectors.html Jim Metcalf ? Inspectors
450-BurlingtonTimes.html Jim Metcalf ? Burlington County Times
451-Tamara.html Jim Metcalf ? Dancing in Russia
482-Hillbilly.html Jim Metcalf ? Hillbilly
500-HowtoProduce.html Jim Metcalf ? How to produce Calcarb
534-Brazil.html Jim Metcalf ? Brazil
540-KnutRoyce.html Knut Royce ? Story about Knut Royce, Newsday reporter
577-SpeechforIMM.html Jim Metcalf ? Metcalf speech to IMM about their superalloy furnace
354-Tesla.htm Nikola Tesla 1919 Excerpt from "The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla"
401-Moontrip.html Jim Metcalf 1937 Northrup’s trip to the moon
ZerotoEighty.htm EF Northrup 1937 Science-based fiction of reaching the moon
352-Steinmetz.htm Floyd Miller 1965 Charles Steinmetz "The Man Who Tamed Lightning"
104-Chapter33.htm Henry Rowan 1995 From Henry Rowan's book with Metcalf comments
109-NorthrupRowan.htm Jim Metcalf 1995 Rowan's and Metcalf's lives compared
386-RunOut.html Jim Metcalf 1995 Part of Chapter 11 from The Fire Within
403-Provident.html Jim Metcalf 1995 Bank reneged on a commitment to finance a job in Russia
TheFireWithin.htm Henry M. Rowan 1995 The story of Inductotherm Industries
342-HallEffect.htm E. H. Hall 1879-11 The Hall Effect
541-CookeRoyce.html Cooke Royce 1987-09-14 Cooke at Consarc Scotland
550-Deported.html Jim Metcalf 1988-08-05 Memo from British Home Office that Metcalf is deported
553-LetterHomeOffice.html Jim Metcalf 1988-09-15 Letter to British Home Office
554-HomeOffice.html Jim Metcalf 1988-09-28 Letter from British Home Office
570-UkraineCarbon.html Jim Metcalf 1989-09-14 Details of the new Carbon business in the USSR